75mi Ride: $3000 prize purse will be split among the top 5 M/F/NB

10K Run: $1000 prize purse will be split across the top 5 M/F/NB

5K Run: Product prizes for top 3 M/F/NB

40mi Ride: Product prizes for top 3 M/F/NB

23mi Ride: Product prizes for top 3 M/F/NB

Combo: Product prizes for top 3 M/F/NB

Relay: Product prizes for TOP team M/F/NB

NOTE: there must be at least 3 participants per gender category to award prizes.



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“SNOWFLAKE” Prizes – EXCLUSIVE to the Old Man Winter Rally! Along the course will be ‘Snowflakes’ which you can pick up for a guaranteed prize. It could be anything from a water bottle,  gift card to one of our sponsors, a pair of tires….or even a pair of Hunt Carbon wheels.

Limit one snow flake prize per person